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Anneli Saro Full Text Available What is the relationship of postdramatic theatre--and more specifically autobiographical performance--to societal and cultural contexts within which they have emerged?

February 18, Alkoholijoove ka joove, joobeseisund, alkoholimürgistus on alkoholi valdavalt suukaudse tarvitamise tagajärjel tekkida võiv muutunud terviseseisund, mis avaldub väliselt tajutavates häiritud või muutunud kehalistes või psüühilistes funktsioonides ja reaktsioonides. Portaali alkoinfo andmetel peaks enam kui 4-promillises joobes olev inimene olema suure tõenäosusega koomas või surnud ning tema hingamine ja süda ei tohiks enam korralikult töötada. Päästeameti eelmise aasta statistika toob peamiste suurte probleemidena esile üksikud eakad inimesed ning alkoholi liigtarvitajad. Igor Grzin Juhtis Autot Ligi 4promillises Joobes Htuleht Vormist väljas modellimõõtudega pikk mees jaan suudab õllest täpselt selliselt joobesse ja taas kaineks saada, nagu netikalkulaator lubab reaalne joove osutus 0,02 promilli suuremaks ja kestis vaid viis minutit promilli joove 4 kauem.

This is the question I examine in this article. In addition, in postdramatic productions, actors often do not embody or present fictional characters, but rather the physical presence of the performer s and performance as live action is brought to keha slim herbal murah jogja foreground, which also includes explicit use of autobiographical material of the performer s. One might just expect that means of expressions have a certain impact also on the depicted world, i.

  1. Anneli Saro Full Text Available What is the relationship of postdramatic theatre--and more specifically autobiographical performance--to societal and cultural contexts within which they have emerged?
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For answering the research question, production and reception of the following performances are investigated more closely: Meie elulood Our Biographies, and Kui ruumid on täis… Full rooms, by Merle Karusoo and Elud The Lives, by Andres Keil. Merle Karusoo b.

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In Our Biographies, students of the Drama School of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre tell their childhood and adolescence memories; Full rooms is a continuation of the first project but concentrates on the adulthood of the students and the life stories of their relatives. All monologues were first taped, then the director edited the written texts and finally they were presented to spectators in fixed form.

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The procedure in part followed the rules of Soviet censorship, and in part it served aesthetic aims. In the 21st century, the number of autobiographical productions in Estonian drama and dance theatre is already considerable.

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The Lives was chosen on the basis maeng da kratomi kaalulangus its similarity to the aforementioned productions.

All three works have similar group constellation, level of sincerity and degree of social resonance.

Igor Grzin Juhtis Autot Ligi 4promillises Joobes Htuleht

Andres Keil b. He chose dozens of published interviews with Estonian prostitutes and invited two young actresses, Jekaterina Novosjolova and Elina Pähklimägi, who were newcomers on Estonian theatrical scene, to perform. Keil also decided that for the sake of honesty towards the interviewees, each other and spectators, some personal stories would also be included among the monologues of prostitutes.

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The personal stories were videotaped keha slim herbal murah jogja a meeting but not edited or performed again before the dress rehearsal. In spite of the different social contexts of the productions, censorship appears to be an important topic in autobiographical theatrical discourses.

Igor Grzin Juhtis Autot Ligi 4promillises Joobes Htuleht

Auto-censorship, and more strongly political censorship of the Soviet authorities altered spontaneous monologues of actors to a considerable degree. Comparative analysis of the productions brings to the fore two mechanisms of censorship.

In conclusion, all three autobiographical productions belong to the category of postdramatic theatre because of a lack of fictional characters, plot, explicit conflicts, physical or psychological action, dialogues and written text as starting point.

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All works consist of disconnected monologues that emphasize isolation and the loneliness of human beings, but also the sincerity of the inner voice. Keil depicts human life as the gambling of blind Fortuna as a main source of social inequality. Thus all works are carried by implicit dramatic aspect, which makes it difficult to talk about a postdramatic world view.

In spite of differences in the level and nature of theatricality and openness of society in andno considerable phenomenological differences were detected in production and reception of the works.