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Brzezinski, Amnon; Brzezinski-Sinai, Noa A; Seeman, Mary V Mb fat burner arvustused aim of this review is to examine three questions: What are the risks and benefits of treating women with schizophrenia with hormone therapy HT at menopause?

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Should the antipsychotic regimen be changed at menopause? Do early- and late-onset women with schizophrenia respond differently to HT at menopause?

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MEDLINE databases for the years to were searched using the following interactive terms: schizophrenia, gender, menopause, estrogen, and hormones. The selected articles 62 out of abstracts were chosen on the basis of their applicability to the objectives of this targeted narrative review.

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HT during the perimenopause in women with schizophrenia ameliorates psychotic and cognitive symptoms, and may also help affective symptoms. Vasomotor, genitourinary, and sleep symptoms are also reduced.

Brzezinski, Amnon; Brzezinski-Sinai, Noa A; Seeman, Mary V The aim of this review is to examine three questions: What are the risks and benefits of treating women with schizophrenia with hormone therapy HT at menopause? Should the antipsychotic regimen be changed at menopause? Do early- and late-onset women with schizophrenia respond differently to HT at menopause?

Depending on the woman's age and personal risk factors and antipsychotic side effects, the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease may be increased. Antipsychotic types and doses may need to be adjusted at menopause, as may be the mode of administration.

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Both HT and changes in antipsychotic management should be considered for women with schizophrenia at menopause. The question about differences in response between early- and late-onset women cannot yet be answered.

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Using genetic data, we find evidence of coheritability between age at menopause and epigenetic age acceleration in blood. Using Mendelian randomization analysis, we find that two SNPs that are highly associated with age at menopause exhibit a significant association with epigenetic age acceleration.

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Overall, our Mendelian randomization approach and other lines of evidence suggest that menopause accelerates epigenetic aging of blood, but mechanistic studies will be needed to dissect cause-and-effect relationships further.